Registration Fees

Included in Full Registration:

  • Opening address and Welcome reception - inclusive of drinks and nibbles
  • All days of the conference - inclusive of full days catering (morning/afternoon tea & lunch)
  • Poster sessions - inclusive of drinks and nibbles
  • Field trip - includes all transport and packed lunch
  • Conference dinner - Hobbiton Green Dragon (at the end of Field Trip/includes tour of Hobbiton)
  • Use of Conference App
  • Access to exhibitors and posters
  • Online access to the electronic version of the Acta Horticulturae symposium proceedings

DAY Registration includes (only available on Tuesday or Thursday)

  • Full days catering
  • Use of Conference 
  • App Entry to all conferences sessions on the day and access to all posters & Exhibitors

Note: All registration fees and optional extras include gst (tax) and are given in NZ$. All online credit card bookings will incur a booking fee imposed by the bank which will be calculated at the end of your registration.

ISHS Members Early - Full Registration (Ends 15 July)$1,270
ISHS Members - Full Registration$1,440
Non-ISHS Members Early - Full Registration (Ends 15 July)$1,440
Non-ISHS Members - Full Registration$1,620
Student Registration Early - Full Registration (Ends 15 July)$750
Student Registration - Full Registration$870
Day Registration 12 November 2024$340
Day Registration 14 November 2024$340

Field Trip Options

(delegates will be required to pick one only at registration)

Note: Field Trips require a minimum number to go ahead

Tour 1 - Plant & Food Research/Trevelyan'sFree
Tour 2 - Scion / PlentyfloraFree
Tour 3 - Apata Pack House /Robotic PlusFree
Tour 4 - Mamaku Blueberries / Wilcox$30
Tour 5 - PathologyFree

Workshop Options - 14th November 

(delegates will be required to pick one at registration)

All Student Pre-Conference Workshop - Monday 11 NovemberFree
Workshop 1 - Mind the Gap! Where Scientific Understanding and Commercial Application don't always meetFree
Workshop 2 - Market Access & X-ray/Ionising radiationFree
Workshop 3 - Reducing FungicidesFree
Workshop 4 - Food & Natural Health Product Regulatory ConsiderationsFree
Workshop 5 - Crop Plants as ModelsFree
Workshop 6 - Practical Use of Monitorring Technologies in Commercial Supply ChainsFree
Workshop 7 - Discover Sustainable Packaging -Limited to 45PAX(includes coach transfer to and from Scion)Free

Optional Extras

Mitai Village Experience - 12th November 2024 (evening dinner)$140
Guest Ticket - Mitai Village Experience$170
Guest Ticket for Field Trip / Hobbiton Conference Dinner$260
Guest Ticket for Opening Address and Welcome Reception$80

Coach Transfers

Coach Transfer Auckland - Rotorua
11am - 10th November 2024 - Pick Up Sudima Airport Hotel$150
10am - 11th November 2024 - Pick Up Sudima Airport Hotel$150
Coach Transfer Rotorua - Auckland
3pm - 15th November 20204 - Pick Up Entry to Energy Events Centre$150
8.30am - 16th November 2024 - Pick up Entry to Energy Events Centre$150


11-15 November 2024
Rotorua Events Centre, New Zealand

© 2024 The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited