Abstract submission

Abstracts submission opens late February 2025

Guidelines for contributors

The Organising Committee invites you to submit an abstract for either an oral or poster presentation on a topic aligned with the Workshops themes.

Abstract submission

Abstracts must be submitted on-line.

If you have any queries regarding abstract submission or presentations, please send an email events@plantandfood.co.nz, with subject 'Presentation query'. 

Abstract acceptance

Authors will be informed of their acceptance and method of presentation in writing. The programme committee will try to accommodate your preferred method of presentation; however, as each format will form an integral part of the conference, the organising committee reserves the right to assign papers to either oral or poster presentation as necessary.

Oral presentations

Oral presentations will be limited to 15 minutes per presentation. We strongly encourage presenters to use electronic methods of presentation such as PowerPoint or Adobe Acrobat.  The display will be optimised for widescreen (16:9) format.

Poster presentations

There will be dedicated poster session(s) during the meeting. Each poster presenter will be asked to very briefly (<3min) summarise their poster, supported by a maximum of 3 slides. Posters will not be displayed at the conference but will be available through the conference app. and downloadable through the website for all attendees to view.


18-22 August 2025
Christchurch Town Hall, Christchurch

© 2024 The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited